Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

To access the advanced settings in CAMMRA and customize the application according to your needs, follow these instructions:

  1. Plate Size Min. and Max. (Default): The plate size settings determine the minimum and maximum size of license plates that CAMMRA will recognize. It is recommended to use the default values unless specific adjustments are required.

  2. Number of Symbols: Set the range for the minimum number of symbols in license plates for the region or country templates. It is advised to keep this range as narrow as possible to ensure accurate recognition based on regional license plate patterns.

  3. LPR Confidence Threshold: Adjust the LPR confidence threshold to determine the minimum confidence level required for a license plate detection. A threshold of 0.6 to 0.7 is typically recommended, striking a balance between detection rate and false recognitions. Lower thresholds increase the detection rate but may also result in more false recognitions.

  4. Comparison of Blacklisted Plates: Choose the type of comparison for blacklisted plates:

    • Strict Comparison: Only exact matches are considered for blacklisted plates.
    • Soft Comparison: Allows for differences in one or two characters in the license plate while still considering it a match.

Select the option that aligns with your desired level of strictness for blacklisted plate comparisons.

  1. Enable Overlay Text: Toggle the overlay text feature to display additional information on the captured images. This overlay can include the day, month, year, time, license plate, and car brand and model.

  2. Preferred Country: Specify the preferred country for license plate recognition. This helps improve country detection when multiple countries are involved.

  3. Supported LPR Regions: Choose the supported LPR regions based on your deployment location. CAMMRA works in various regions of Europe (including Turkey and Israel), CIS, EU+CIS, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and North America. Other regions may only have license plate recognition for specific libraries.

  4. Enable Make and Model Recognition (MMR): Toggle the MMR feature to enable or disable make and model recognition. If only license plate recognition (LPR) is required, it is recommended to turn off MMR. This is especially useful when capturing the rear side of vehicles.

  5. MMR Confidence: Set the confidence threshold (0-100) for make and model recognition. The optimal threshold depends on the task CAMMRA needs to fulfill. For accurate make and model recognition, a recommended range is 30-60. For type classification, a range of 10 is suggested

  6. Security/HTTPS Settings:

    To enhance the security of your CAMMRA application, you have the option to enable HTTPS encryption and use self-signed certificates. By turning on HTTPS encryption and utilizing self-signed certificates, you can ensure that the communication between the application and browsers is secure and protected. This helps safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of data transmission

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