API Integration for FF Events with HTTP Multipart POST and TCP

API FF Integration Events \ HTTP Multipart POST

New Event: This event occurs when a vehicle is detected for the first time. The direction of the vehicle is undefined.

Update Event: This event occurs when there is a change in the data package. It can include updates to the recognized license plate, calculation and addition of direction, or changes in the recognition zone.

Lost Event: This event occurs when a detected vehicle has been absent from the recognition zone for more than 5 seconds.

HTTP Multipart POST: To send JSON data and images to a web service, the multipart POST HTTP(s) request method is used. The data transferred includes a JSON payload containing the event description and the associated image.

TCP Protocol: To send data to external applications, the TCP protocol is used. The camera establishes a TCP connection with the specified URL and sends data over the socket. The external application should open a TCP socket and listen for incoming data.

Transferred Data for TCP (Text):

The data transferred through TCP consists of a JSON payload containing the event description. No images are included in the TCP data, only text-based information is sent.

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