Events Request \ Request URL Examples

Events Request \ Request URL Examples

To download event records from the on-camera database, you can make an HTTP GET request using the following target:


The request allows you to specify various parameters to filter the event records based on your requirements. Each parameter can be used independently, and string look-ups are case-insensitive. For string-type fields, partial sequences can be matched against the request parameter.




Number plate text or a part thereof (e.g. AA11 for plates AA1122BB or AA1134XX)


Limit of events to return (like SQL LIMIT clause)


Records to skip before results get returned (like SQL OFFSET clause)


Timestamp to select events after the given value. Linux timestamp, milliseconds. May be used without "timestampTo".


Timestamp to select events happened before the given value. Linux timestamp, UTC, milliseconds. May be used without "timestampFrom".


Alpha3 ISO3166 country code, or a part thereof


0 (return only “no action” events) or 1 (return only “opened” events); skip to receive all events

Request URL examples

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