How to Integrate CAMMRA with Genetec Security Center for License Plate Recognition

Integration to Genetec

Video instruction.

Additionally, CAMMRA's meta-data has also integration with a unified security platform

Genetec Security Center to manage and integrate physical security systems such as access control, automatic license plate recognition, and more.

 This quick guide describes how to set up both Genetec Security Center and CAMMRA / CAMMRA Lite ACAP app from FF Group to send LPR reads to Genetec.

CAMMRA direct integration with Genetec is now complete, so all data recognized by CAMMRA are available in Genetec Security Center.
license plate, make, type and colour and GPS coordinates).

 Setting up direct CAMMRA integration with Genetec Security Center

 Genetec configuration

First off all, check that entire system is online
    1. Go to https://<your_ip_address>/Genetec
    2.  Make sure that DatabaseDirectory and License is online

If not, run all Genetec and SQLEXPRESS services

We need to download installer by the link below, install it and proceed to the next step:

Open Genetec™ Config Tool >>> Plugins
Press Add an entity >>> Plugin and choose LPR plugin then next next next
Select added LPR plugin and go to Data sources tab and configure field like this
Enabled: ✅
Name: Plugin REST API
API path prefix: lpr
REST port: 443
WebSDK host: localhost
WebSDK port: 443
Allow self signed certificates: ✅
Effective address: https://<hostname>/api/v1/lpr/LprIngestion/reads

Enabled: ✅
Name: Security Center Lpr Events
Processing frequency: 5 sec

    Go to Data sinks tab
Click on plus  sign and choose Database type

Configure database
Activated: ✅
            Plugin REST API ✅
            Name: Reads DB
            Reads ✅
            Hits ✅
            Images ✅
Thumbnails ✅
Image storage:
Save image to disk ✅
Selected folder: C:\Genetec\LPR Images

Still on the Data sinks tab click on plus sign  and choose Security Center Events type

Configure database
Activated: ✅
            Plugin REST API ✅
Name: Reads Events
            Reads ✅
            Hits ✅
            Images ✅

Create an API user
    1. Go to Config Tool >>> User Management and Add an entity User.
      Enter User name and Password; Leave other fields without any changes
    2. Select added user and go to Privileges tab allow the Third-party ALPR reads 
API privilege and whole section of Application privileges then 

CAMMRA configuration

  1. Go to Integration tab >>> Integration and select Genetec Security Center
  2. Fill url https://<hostname>/api/v1/lpr/LprIngestion/reads - Can be copied from GSC Config Tool – System – Roles – LPR Plugin – Data Source – ALPR reads API –
    Effective address
    Respective your Latitude, Longitude, Camera ID name and user’s credentials.

  1. In Events types settings checkmark New. 
  2. In Conditions set your preferences.
  3. In Events Buffer you may put the default Buffer size and Events TTL.
  4. Tick the checkbox Send event data to server
  5. Turn on integration by pressing the Save button.
  6. In Settings tab >>> Advanced settings select Allow self-signed certificates
    in Security section and press the Save button.

  7. In Settings >>> Frame type choose the type of image which will be displayed in Security Desk as a part of read. Standard content of every read is text form of the License plate, date and time information and License plate crop. It is recommended to add Full frame or Downsized frame image to have a context view.

See report & Live Events

  1. Open Genetec™ Security desk
  2. In Investigation section click on Reads

  3. On Reads tab select needed filters and click Generate report

In order to see Live Events go to Operations in Security Desk and click on Monitoring

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