Lists & Alerts (business-logic)

Lists & Alerts (business-logic)

This business logic allows the user to configure several types of lists of offenders on the road, e.g., trucks that are forbidden to enter the city center,
VIP person’s list or unscrupulous customers who don’t pay at the gas station, etc. As soon as Data Factory identifies the offender based on the data from the ANPR camera in real time,
and, after comparing it with a given list, a warning pops up.
In addition, customers can pull up a video confirming the violation.

Typical flow:
1. Add new group of violators
2. Set whether alert should pop up. Save it.
3. Select group. And add license plates to it.

Show in results
By clicking on:
1. List of groups” row you’ll see all events for group
2. specific license plate in “List of license plates” - all event for it
3. “Show all” button - all events from all groups and license plates

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