Package sample

Package sample

<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="">

  <tt:Event xmlns:tt="">

    <wsnt:NotificationMessage xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:tnsaxis="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wsa5="">

      <wsnt:Topic Dialect="">tnsaxis:CameraApplicationPlatform/LPR</wsnt:Topic>





        <tt:Message UtcTime="2023-05-20T11:54:21.894000Z">




            <tt:SimpleItem Name="consumedTime" Value="153" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="frame_timestamp" Value="1288416958" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="carMoveDirection" Value="unknown" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="carState" Value="new" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="action" Value="No action" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="capture_timestamp" Value="1621511661894" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="width" Value="168" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="carID" Value="1139066" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="top" Value="354" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="country" Value="PRT" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="left" Value="539" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="height" Value="28" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="listName" Value="" />

            <tt:SimpleItem Name="text" Value="II04458" />







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