Post-process logic

Post-process logic

These settings are designed for different scenarios in the camera setup, affecting how the application's recognition engine processes information in the frame. 

- High Traffic Flow:
For scenarios with high traffic flow, we recommend using the default or Traffic post-process logic.
 This setting is optimized for environments where vehicles move quickly, such as highways.

- Parking Scenarios:
For parking environments, where vehicle speed is very low, we recommend using specific post-processing logic tailored for such conditions.
Although the CaMMRa application was originally designed for highways and high-speed license plate recording, the parking post-processing logic is adapted for slower vehicle speeds.

- Single Vehicle Scenarios:
The "One Car" post-process logic is designed for test scenarios where a single vehicle is either stationary or moving very slowly within the frame.

All of these methods use the same recognition core but differ technically in how they implement and capture license plate characters. 
In most cases, we recommend using the default post-process logic, as it is suitable for a wide range of scenarios.

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