

Important note
Please, note that Reporter may show event snapshots (images) with a delay 30 to 60 seconds. The reason is that major event data becomes available instantly while images have to be first stored to a disk on a remote computer the event is generated on and then become available to the Reporter through the OS files-over-network mapping process.

Recognition Results Report

NumberOk`s database support up to 2.5 ml recognition events (using Firebird Database v 2.5 )

This tab is assigned for 2 types of reports:
1) General reports where all recognition events arranged according to filters applied:
- by time interval;
- by channel / recognition zone;
- by owner;
- by group;
- by number plate or its part;
- by movement direction.
- by countries 
 - district (if available) 

2) Consolidation reports showing vehicle counts grouped by:
  • movement direction;
  • channels / recognition zones.
To generate the report set filters and push Generate button. 
The report will be then formed as a table of individual recognitions and consolidated results. Click Excel icon on the bottom right to export the report to Excel document. 
Double-click on either of values in column Plate number to add number plate to the DB. Double click will lead to Car database > Vehicles.

Group By Number Plate Report

The report is not available in the NumberOk Lite modification.

In this tab you can generate reports:

  • about events related to specific recognized vehicle number plates,

  • consolidated reports for all Parking Spaces in NumberOk.

To generate a report set the filters and push Generate button. 

The report is generated as either of:

- table where events are grouped by recognized number plate (more details) and 

- table of consolidated recognition results. 

Consolidated results are shown in the bottom right part of the window. Click the Spreadsheet icon on the bottom right to export the report to Excel document.

Full-frame snapshot from the camera is stored only for the last event (of those associated with a particular number plate). Click the row to view the snapshot.

Violation Report: Quantity of Drives Through

In this subtab you can generate reports on any exceeding quantity of events per time period in the video channel. For set up please go to DB Tab, Reactions Subtab. 

Violation: Quantity of Drives Through subtab  includes block of filters that will help you to separate violation (detected) events by date and number plate. Set time interval to search for events you want to separate and / or number plate you are interested in. The filters are united with conjunctive ‘AND’, so the report runs from all filtered event simultaneously. 

In case ‘Number plate’ window is left empty, the report will include all violation events within the mean time interval.

To create a report please set filters and push ‘Generate’ button  located to the right from filters block.

Violation events are grouped  by number plates in the columns:

• Number plate – recognized number plate with detected violations. Double click with left mouse button on the number plate row and view list of violations detected.  20 most recent events and the very 1st event are demonstrated. Double click again and close the list of detected violations;
• Country – country of number plate registration (country of the violator);
• Quantity – shows how many violations have been detected during all time the reaction was ON (for time interval refer to ‘Interval’ column);
• Interval – the amount of time intervals when the reaction was ON - until the generation of the report;
• Date – date of violation(-s) detection;
• Time – time of the day when the violation was detected.

Minimized violation snapshot is placed in the lower part of the screen, you can enlarge it upwards till the size needed. 

Click the Spreadsheet icon to open the report in a spreadsheet processor. The spreadsheet contains summarized data and 20 latest timestamps per license plate. Double-click the timestamp cell to open the associated event snapshot. Snapshots are available only when accessed on a computer the report’s been generated on.

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