Installation Guide
ActiveDirectory Integration Guide(Milestone)
1.Login under df-admin (DF “SuperAdmin” role) Here you will see almost all the info that DF fetches from Milestone 2.Login by current AtiveDirectory/regular Windows user Login to Windows by AD user. Login to DF by “Current Windows user” option. You ...
Gmail API Setting Guide
Gmail API configuration (business logic) Business logic for configuring e-mail notification delivery on using Gmail API NOTE: that before setting up, you need to create and configure the Gmail server. Find the complete guide below. 1. Login into your ...
Windows Tray application
You can control FF Data Factory service status from Windows tray In case you have any troubles, issues, etc. click on Copy Df-info to clipboard – please send to our Customer care team (support) this info.
VMS installation mode (XProtect on remote machine)
To install DF Plugins for Milestone on a remote machine without installing the DF core, you may install it separately with a special installer – Milestone Plugins.exe If the Milestone is on another host machine uncheck box Update Mobile Server Cors ...
CAMMRA AI connection
▪ In Integration – Push events menu choose one of the profiles, HTTP POST as protocol, insert server URL: http:// (example) ▪ Fill in Device ID and enable sending event types, you can choose any, but “lost” is ...
Changing the path of the DF storage
To ensure that images are stored in a new path, follow these steps: 1. Run the installer for the Data Factory software. 2. During the installation, you will be prompted to specify the installation path. 3. Select the new path where you want the ...
List and Alerts Business logic - Milestone Alert and Analytic events setup
Lists and Alerts Business logic has the functionality to send alarms to Milestone, either for Milestone alerts (which work consistently) or Milestone Analytic events. Set the IP address in Data Factory Lists and Alerts Business logic: You have to ...
Logic installation
To install business logic, please follow these steps: 1. Access Data Factory settings. 2. Click on the "Upload from File" option. 3. Select the logic file name. 4. Choose the file path where the logic file is stored and upload it. Once uploaded ...
Camera connection \ Storage
Standalone mode of DataFactory In top right corner you can navigate to DF settings. If you scroll down, you can configure Event sources, which allows for to set camera’s: ▪ Name – enter your preferred name ▪ Serial number of cameras. Every camera ...
WAVE integration
DataFactory should be installed in VMS mode. On DF setting page check “Nx/Wave” in VMS connection section and enter WAVE connection host and credentials After clicking on the “Submit” button the camera list will pulled into DataFactory, then select ...
WisenetRoadAI, RoadWatch connection
For events sending you have to go to the camera application and configure the data sending. Make sure, that port 5001 on Data Factory host is open (added Inbound rule) Register the camera in DataFactory with its Serial Number (Standalone mode) ...
CAMMRA / CAMMRA Lite and Axis License Plate Verifier connection
For events sending you have to go to the camera application and configure the data sending. Make sure, that port 5001 on Data Factory host is open (added Inbound rule) Go to Integration tab, choose HTTP POST protocol, insert DF server URL address ...
NumberOK connection
General Settings: Cloud URL: This field allows you to specify the Cloud URL for uploading camera events. For example, the default Cloud URL may be "http://localhost:5001/api/camera/events/upload." Please note that "http://localhost:5001" represents ...
Activation Procedure
Go to the „SETTINGS“ tab Input your activation code and press the “Activate” button to perform activation Update web page by pressing once F5 button to check your activation: ▪ You can deactivate the license to stop using Data Factory – click ...
Datafactory \ Postgres install
It's highly recommended to use the default settings Run ffdatafactorysetup.exe as an administrator and follow the installation procedure. ATTENTION! Running FF Data Factory Installation on behalf of the Administrator is a mandatory condition for ...
Installation package
You can download the installation files by the link below: [Data Factory Install].