FF-Events Configuration

FF-Events Configuration

To send the recognized data to other applications such as VMS (Video Management Systems) or Data Management Systems, you can utilize FF-Events in CAMMRA. Follow these steps to set up event sending:

  1. Go to the application's web page and select the "Integration" tab.

  2. Select the Protocol: Choose the appropriate protocol for sending events. The commonly used options are TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and HTTP POST (Hypertext Transfer Protocol with POST method). You can also choose other protocols like FTP, UTMC, or UTMC-2 based on your specific requirements.

  3. Data Structure: Refer to the FF protocol documentation or the API FF Integration HTTP POST JSON for the data structure details. This documentation provides the necessary guidelines for formatting the data to be sent.

  4. Configure Server URL: Specify the link or URL where you want to send the data. This could be the endpoint of the receiving application or system.

  5. Set Sensor Provide ID: Assign a unique identifier to the packets sent from the camera. This helps in distinguishing and tracking the data packets.

  6. Define Event Types: Choose the desired event types based on your requirements. The available event types include "New," "Update," and "Lost." Each event type corresponds to specific conditions and triggers for sending data.

  7. Set Conditions: By default, all events are sent. If you want to send only specific events, you can choose conditions and select the relevant ones. Conditions can be based on the direction (in, out, any), ROI (Region of Interest - 1, 2, any), or the list type (Blacklist, Whitelist, any).

  8. Configure Events Buffer: The events buffer stores unsent events. By default, it is set to 1000 events. You can adjust this value to meet your requirements. Setting it to 0 disables the buffer, meaning no unsent events will be stored. To see changes in the event counter, refresh the page.

  9. Set Events TTL: The Events TTL (Time to Live) determines how long an event is kept in the buffer (in milliseconds). A value of 0 indicates an unlimited duration.

By configuring these FF-Events settings, you can establish the communication and data exchange between CAMMRA and other applications or systems. This enables you to seamlessly integrate the recognized data into your preferred workflow and utilize it for further analysis or processing.

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